If you're like us and love to spend hour upon hour sorting trash from treasure in search of that golden buy, then you will love this place. We have visited quite a few vintage stores since arriving in Paris, but we rarely find anything that takes our fancy or simply can't fathom the price tag attached (a lot of places match that 50€ tag you will find back in Perth). Unlike these places, this shop is riddled with vintage gems and all at low prices. Another great thing about Vintage Desir is, if you don't find it at their treasure trove in the 18th (pictured above), you are sure to find it at their second store in the 4th. Click for more photos...
...and this is the store in the 4th.
The store in the 18th is larger and had a more voluptuous selection of men's clothing and dresses, though if it is scarves and hats and cute shoes you are looking for then be sure to check out the store in the 4th. So much goood stuff! I mean, just check out those lush window displays.
If you are ever in Paris in search of that aforementioned 'golden buy' then be sure to check out Vintage Desir. It is the home of bargain vintage beauties with most dresses and oversized, one of a kind jumpers/ sweaters for 10€ and most other things ranging from 5€ to 45€ (that is the most expensive thing I have seen yet and it was the most spectacular fur coat). Just be warned it does get a little cosy, but that is to be expected of any place that is truly great in Paris.
It wasn't just vintage Desir that we found to be ridiculously cool. This entire area (4e) was noticeably trendy, with quite a few interesting stores, cafes and the odd gallery or two. Vintage Desir also shares the street with L'As du Fallafel... (In fact it is that green building to the left in the second photo of this post) A kosher restaurant well known for it's falafel sandwich. We are coming back for this one, so keep your knickers on, we will be sure to have a post about this miraculous looking sandwich to come.
Some street art on Rue Des Rosiers in the 4th. There was quite a lot of beautiful street art in this area.
Our french bicycles! (The colours are coincidental) Today was their first outing and our first time navigating these streets on something faster than our legs. It was interesting to say the least. It's hard when we don't know the streets here like the ones back home and riding on the right is also a little bit of a head you know what. Our lesson learnt today was that we need super loud bells. Pedestrians clearly rule the roost in this city. You will find they overflow from the sidewalk onto the cycle paths and even the road.
A flyer from the store with some more details to make it easy for y'all to find.
On a side note:
Here's a little story (Sophie's about to tell an elaborate, yet boring story. So look away) We stopped past Eastside Burgers on the way here (a post to come) and we got a little lost getting there. Lloyd thought that maybe we had past the burger joint because he had seen big crowds just before (this burger place was rumoured to be good), so we back tracked to said crowds. It was a venue crowded by a sea of black vinyl, leather and greasy long hair, so clearly not the vegetarian burger restaurant we were looking for. We stopped as far from these people as we could to check the map to the point we were almost on the road. At which point another leather clad fellow steps out of a black bus and onto Sophie's foot. He obviously didn't notice because he was too busy trying to ward off enthusiastic grease children, who were in fact Trivium fans and this fellow turned out to be one of their guitarists. FACT!
Here are directions to the 18th store:
And here is the 4th store:
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