
Monday, November 26, 2012

Iceland Golden Circle Road Trip Part IV - Oxararfoss Waterfall


This, the Oxararfoss Waterfall (pictured above) was, according to Lloyd, the best part of the Golden Circle trip. This being said we almost drove past it, there was a moment where we coudn't decide whether we were going to turn back or keep going and I'm glad we turned back.
 The Gullfoss waterfall was spectacular in it's size and appearance and because of that it was ladden with other tourists vying for a good picture that would capture its grandiose nature (impossible!). It just lacked something captivating, something that the Oxararfoss waterafall had plenty of. It was intimate and humble in appearance and more importantly without the swarms of tourists battling for a view of this little gem. In this way Oxararfoss was a more memorable and enjoyable experience for the three of us. It felt more personal and worthy of our attention...Which we gave. We spent quite some time marveling at both her beauty and her stunning surrounds.

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The Oxararfoss waterfall is situated in the Thingvellir National Park. As was mentioned above, it is quite easy to miss this magical place, in fact we would have gone straight by it if it weren't for an American girl who told us nothing more than "go left, it's beautiful".

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This is the left she was talking about. It felt like it took an eternity to get here in the wind that Mother Nature was throwing us.

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...and just if you're interested - to the left is the Eurasian tectonic plate and to the right is the American tectonic plate. Just casually walking between two continents.

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And it was/is beautiful.

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This is the waterfall coming from the right side. (Once again look at it in HD and in full screen mode!)

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This is the waterfall from the centre position.

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Adam and Sophie daring each other to step on the ice. Smart one.

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And these are the picturesque surrounds we mentioned. Gulfoss was pretty, but she didn't possess the same magic as this place.

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Lloyd looking very excited to be here!

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Lloyd and Sophie with Oxararfoss waterfall behind.

And lastly the best view of the waterfall from the left side...in HD!

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The water was so icy!

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Time to walk back against the cold wind.

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Adam flying back to the car.

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If you would like to visit Oxararfoss Waterfall you can find it here (we drove up road 361 and parked in that area near the waterfall):


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